chaomai's Odyssey


Basic Idea

使用的方法同样来自Trevor Brown。在他的论文,Range Queries in Non-blocking k-ary Search Trees中,阐述了如何实现range query。

由于进行range query时,需要tree局部的一个constant view,因此snapshot是一个合适的工具。

Notes of Range Queries in Non-blocking k-ary Search Trees

Approaches to Range Queries

  • STM
  • Lock
  • Persistent data structures
  • Snapshot
    • Ctrie
    • Snap

Range Query in k-ary Search Trees

dirty field

The dirty field is set to dirty when the leaf is affected by some update operations (helpInsert and helpMark).


The Validate check all leaves stored in snap. If any dirty field is true, than Validate returns false.

Range Query

The abridged RangeQuery follows few steps,

  1. Use DFS to populate snap with all leaves that may contain a key in range.
  2. Invoke Validate to check all the leaves stored in snap. If Validate returns false, than retry.
  3. Extract all keys in range from snap and return.

Differences between snaphots in BST and range query in k-ary search trees

-snapshots in BSTrange query in k-ary search trees
Efficiencylow (iterate all nodes while checking)high

Just personal opinion, may contain errors.

CKDTree (1)

Concurrent KDTree with Snapshots, implemented in Java. This article is about some details in implementation.

Basic Idea

The methods used in this structure is heavily based on ideas in CTrie (snapshot) and Non-blocking Binary Search Trees (search, insert and delete).

  • GCAS
  • Mark and Flag
  • Leaf-oriented tree

Problems and Solutions in Implementation



RDCSS是Harris提出的一种实现double compare single swap方法,它的语义(也就是DCAS)如下,


The CAS1 Approach

下面使用CAS1(single word compare and swap)来实现RDCSS。